Tuesday, March 30, 2010

One Month mark with Biggest Loser, Suzi Waters

We are one month into our three month journey battling those unwanted pounds Suzi so desires to lose. We had a much better week, more intense workouts, better eating and cardio on non-workout days. Suzi has gone shopping at trader joe's and is in a pretty good routine now eating breakfast, snacks, lunch, and dinner. Probably seems a little boring compared to her past ways, but definitely heading in the right direction. Salad with beef, chicken or salmon seems to be her best friend along with the protein shakes pre and post workout.

Accomplishments for the week: Cardio done three days on non-training days, she and I completed the Climb for your life stairclimb in Hartford on Saturday. Suzi completed the 34 floor climb in just under 15 minutes. I think she thought she was going to die during the stair climb, but felt fine three minutes after it was over. Amazing job! The workouts are getting alot more intense, awesome squats, deadlifts, punching, rope pulls, sledge hammers. Great stuff! Suzi lost 2 pounds for the week for a total of 10 for the month. She has also lost 9.5 inches off her body and body composition is down 6.1%.

Toughest challenge: Suzi is going to Florida for 2 weeks! Watch out, going to be interesting. Am giving her bands to take on her trip, she is going to join the local gym, and has to watch the eating and stay active.

Check out last weeks clip on NBC CT if you missed it.
Will be back with vacation updates.



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