Friday, December 30, 2011
1. How long have you been coming to PhysicallyFit? I have been coming to Physically Fit since April 2010. The inspiration to join PhysicallyFit was when I saw my daughter’s 3rd grade teacher’s amazing arms and asked where she got them. I am so glad I asked her.
2. What were your goals when you started? My goals were to lose weight, get back in shape, exercise on a regular basis and make my health a priority along with all the other priorities I have in life. To be ‘Physically Fit’ again!
3. What results have you seen in yourself? What have others seen? The results have all been positive. I see the difference on the scale, in my clothes and just have loads of energy. Others have been very supportive in telling me that they see the difference and to keep up the good work. No matter how old we get it is still nice to hear from your mom that you look great and keep it up because a happy family starts with a happy mom.
4. What is your biggest motivator? My biggest motivator is my family. I want to be a positive role model for them, and not just be on the sidelines telling them they need to do this and that. I sometimes see it at the soccer games where we are telling the kids to do this and that, but I think to myself when was the last time you ran on a soccer field, it is time for all of us to get up and get moving.
A great quote that is so true is ‘The secret of getting ahead is getting started.’
– Mark Twain
5. What other accomplishments have you achieved outside of bootcamp this year? (i.e., Outside exercise habits or activities, nutrition habits, races, etc. ) As a family, we have just made ourselves more active by going for hikes, skiing, bike riding and swimming at the Local Y. I am planning on doing some 5Ks with my daughter in the spring and summer at local races. I find it really inspiring to see all the different ages and shapes and sizes at the races. There is definitely positive energy at those races.
6. What does being nominated for Bootcamper of the Year mean to you? It means a lot to me. I wish this could be a group award because I really enjoy the strong sense of community that I get from being part of Physically Fit. I see how everyone has different responsibilities and obligations, but have made an effort to make sure that they are fitting these workouts in their life. I also get inspired by the various bootcamp members who push themselves to go faster or lift heavier weights or wake up at the wee hours to get that important workout in. It is amazing the feeling you get after a good workout. It really helps to put everything in perspective. There are definitely times I can talk myself out of coming to a class, but I think of that feeling I get once I have accomplished the workout and realize to just go and do it.
1. How long have you been coming to PhysicallyFit?
Since March. I was hooked after the first week – despite the burpees and the pain I was in!
2. What were your goals when you started?
Loose some weight, get back in shape, not to kill myself during burpees (burpees suck!!)
3. What results have you seen in yourself? What have others seen?
I've lost over 2 pant sizes, I feel better than ever. For me bc is a great way to relieve the stress.
4. What is your biggest motivator?
Now it's getting ready for TM and finishing it without breaking anything (and getting the tshirt!), being able to eat and drink what I want, but the biggest one is Marry – she inspires me:) she is my partner in crime I mean workouts.
5. What other accomplishments have you achieved outside of bootcamp this year? (i.e., Outside exercise habits or activities, nutrition habits, races, etc. )
Hopefully I won't die during 5k on the New Year's Day.
6. What does being nominated for Bootcamper of the Year mean to you?
It is a tremendous honor simply to be mentioned alongside the other individuals. I was very surprised and didn’t expect it at all. Does it mean I will stop hating burpess? Of course not! Burpees Suck!
1. How long have you been coming to PhysicallyFit?
I started working out at PhysicallyFit in August 2009.
2. What were your goals when you started?
I didn’t have a set goal for myself when I came to PF. I was interested in trying something new after working out at the same local gym for several years.
3. What results have you seen in yourself? What have others seen?
If I was asked this question a year ago I would have probably rattled off answers related to weight loss or a smaller jean size. In looking back at my first year at PF I was focused solely on what I looked like, and how the workouts were affecting my weight and body.
Over the last year the changes that I have experienced have been more related to personal growth than physical change. And while I don’t recall exactly when the shift occurred, at some point I decided it was time to raise the bar, challenge myself and for the first time set a fitness goal. So I did, I set a goal and shared it with no one. If I said it out loud there might be real accountability involved!! ;-). And so it began...
The feeling of pushing beyond what I thought I could do was…...well…. I still don’t really have the right words for it. The reward of getting that hard to describe feeling became the motivator. For those of you smiling to yourself because you’ve experienced it, you know it’s pretty damn awesome and few things rival it. Pushing past my limits, holding myself accountable for my own progress translated to a confidence that I didn’t own prior to coming to PF. Who would have thought that setting a goal and going after it could be so powerful! ☺
The personal growth that has resulted from my work at PF and its influence in my life is the ultimate result. And while it’s not a result that can be seen, I think a few have noticed. All that being said, it doesn’t suck that along the way I lost a few pounds, got stronger, healthier, and met some amazing people.
4. What is your biggest motivator?
It goes without saying that my family and friends are a constant inspiration for me to be the best version of me that I can be, and that surrounding myself with positive people serves me well. Not to be underestimated is the power of simple things like lyrics to a song, a great quote at the right time, a story of overcoming adversity, or seeing someone work hard.
But when it all comes down to it the greatest motivation for me, comes from within. I am taken with the idea that none of us really know our own personal limits and what we can achieve. The potential of that keeps me wondering about myself.
5. What other accomplishments have you achieved outside of bootcamp this year? (i.e., Outside exercise habits or activities, nutrition habits, races, etc. )
I must admit my eating habits are decent but might not be worthy of Bootcamper of the year status so there’s a new goal for myself! I was lucky enough to complete a Spartan Race and several Tough Mudder events with some amazing PFers over the last year. By far completing these events were some of the best experiences of my life. In the last year I ran several road races with friends and most memorably the New Haven 5k with my son Jack.
6. What does being nominated for Bootcamper of the Year mean to you?
Of course it feels great to be considered by Chris and Jodi as a Bootcamper of the year nominee. Who wouldn’t like to be recognized for their efforts? And although I don’t specifically know who any of the other nominees are, I do know there are many worthy bootcampers among us. I think it’s safe to assume that I am in pretty badass company.
To be honest, responding to these questions felt a little like Tough Mudder training at times and turned out to be more difficult for me than I thought! This process has given me opportunity to reflect on what my time at PF has given back to me and share it with you. Maybe some of you will read this and in some way relate to my experiences. Many of you in your own unique ways have motivated and pushed me over the last two years, hopefully I have been able to do the same.
Lastly, I would like to thank Jodi and Chris. Their impact on me has gone well beyond the workouts and day to day training. Thank you Jodi for your encouragement and ongoing support for whatever I take on, and Chris, your “shut up and just do it” approach works for me. I couldn’t have accomplished what I have over the last two years without you. THANK YOU!
1. How long have you been coming to PhysicallyFit?
I have been coming to Bootcamp at PhysicallyFit for two and a half years, beginning in May 2009.
2. What were your goals when you started?
When I started my goal was to get back into shape. I had exercised at least five days a week, in the pre-children stage of life, that included Basketball, Running, Softball and Football. I had let that drop off as working and family took up time and I wasn’t motivated to make time for other things. My wife, Terri, had been doing bootcamp with Chris and Jodi for a while and enjoyed the workouts. I had tried to workout on my own at home but it wasn’t fun. I tried Bootcamp and it became addictive. The workouts are not boring and the group of people are fun. I started to get back into shape and then began raising the bar. I then wanted to do the exercises at the highest levels and got my competitive drive back.
3. What results have you seen in yourself? What have others seen?
I feel like I am in great shape. I have lost weight since I started bootcamp and have toned up my body. I also see that my endurance in exercise has increased but more importantly my endurance in all other activities in life has increased.
Others have noticed that I have lost weight and that I don’t stop doing things. It could be exercise, having fun with family or just being active.
4. What is your biggest motivator?
My biggest motivator is my wife and kids. I want to stay healthy and be able to spend time going places, exploring and having fun with them. The better shape I can remain in the more I can do and cherish. I want to play sports with my wife as well as teach and play sports with my girls. Life with them is great and I want to extend that as long as possible.
5. What other accomplishments have you achieved outside of bootcamp this year? (i.e., Outside exercise habits or activities, nutrition habits, races, etc. )
If I’m not around for bootcamp due to work or vacation travel I try to get in at least the same amount of exercise as I would at home. I take some bootcamp workouts with me to do at the hotel gym or outside. I’d get stared at while doing them but I’m getting a much better workout than the people on the treadmills staring at me! I try to eat healthy which is easier as we do it as a family. I try to get exercise in whatever way I can. I walk up and down the stairs in my office rather than take an elevator. I also like playing sports (Basketball and running) with my family which helps us all and keeps me motivated and competitive as I don’t want to lose!
6. What does being nominated for Bootcamper of the Year mean to you?
Being nominated as Bootcamper of the Year is an amazing honor! Knowing the group of people that do Bootcamp at PhysicallyFit and being chosen as one of the group of twelve that have been nominated is an incredible accomplishment. This will boost my motivation level up another step and raise the bar to reach the next level.
Thank You!
1. How long have you been coming to PhysicallyFit?
I have been coming to Physically Fit for about five years.
2. What were your goals when you started?
I was trying to lose that last bit of baby weight after my second child was born and after the first class, I knew Physically Fit was the place where I could do that.
3. What results have you seen in yourself? What have others seen?
I have always loved running, but I never really had any muscle definition. After having kids, I couldn’t get away with just running because nothing comes back the same. I was hoping adding resistance and weight training I could get my body back to pre-baby shape. When I was pregnant with my third child, I came to boot the entire pregnancy but still managed to gain 65 pounds. I felt a little insecure that I wouldn’t be able to lose it a third time. I took it one pound at a time. Seeing everyone at boot gave me confidence and I was so happy when I finally shed that weight.
4. What is your biggest motivator?
Knowing that if I stop I will lose everything I worked so hard to attain and coming to boot and seeing my friends
5. What other accomplishments have you achieved outside of bootcamp this year? (i.e., Outside exercise habits or activities, nutrition habits, races, etc. )
Tough Mudder, Ragnar Relay, Merrill Down and Dirty, several 5ks. The highlight for me was running a 5k with my six year old daughter.
6. What does being nominated for Bootcamper of the Year mean to you?
Everyone at boot is an inspiration. They all motivate me to push myself, so it’s a real honor.
1. How long have you been coming to PhysicallyFit?
I started in January of 2008. I was desperate to find a bootcamp class, and located PhysicallyFit online. It was located in Huntington Center at the time, which was close. I called up to inquire about the schedule, and Jodi called me right back, encouraging me to try that evening’s class. I did, and I don’t think I’d ever been more overwhelmed by my own inadequacy in my life, but all that was internal, Jodi and Chris were so encouraging and positive that I was hooked and knew that this was surely the exercise regime I was looking for. It took me about a week and a half to heal enough to attempt a second try, though.
2. What were your goals when you started?
At first I just wanted to lose weight. I didn’t think that my endurance was too bad because I did a little running. But once I started coming, each class held a challenge. Getting through one Burpie gradually became 10, knee push-ups became toes. I never lacked an improvement objective! I still think about weight loss as a goal, mainly because it’s been in the forefront of my conscience for so long, but being strong, healthy and feeling great is what keeps me coming back to class.
3. What results have you seen in yourself? What have others seen?
I’ve seen my physical shape change. I’ve gone from a size 14 to a size 10. I was close to not being able to find clothes in my favorite stores anymore, as I edged out of their sizing range. Now, I not only can find clothes more easily, but I’m not limited by those few certain cuts and styles that were, if not flattering, then provided good camouflage.
My husband, family and friends have all noticed the change over time. They noticed weight loss first, but it has felt great, too when they’ve caught me in a stretch (accidental?) and mentioned how toned my arms and shoulders look.
4. What is your biggest motivator?
Really, the thing that motivates me the most to keep coming to bootcamp is that I don’t want to lose any strength or endurance I’ve built up so far! Besides being fun and a great chance to see my bootcamp friends, I love the fact that I can meet or plan to meet the challenges that Jodi and Chris create for us.
5. What other accomplishments have you achieved outside of bootcamp this year? (i.e., Outside exercise habits or activities, nutrition habits, races, etc.)
Coming to PhysicallyFit means that you are surrounded by people who are dedicated to being healthy and strong. I’ve learned about ‘eating lean’, ‘eating Clean’, and ‘eating raw’ from others in class, and then read more on them on my own. I try to eat raw (which is clean and lean!) during the day, then have a more traditional dinner meal with my husband. I think this, along with bootcamp 4-5 times per week is what has made the most difference in how I feel and look.
6. What does being nominated for Bootcamper of the Year mean to you?
You know, it would be a tremendous honor to be named Bootcamper of the Year! It would also be a tremendous honor to attend my next bootcamp class with Bootcamper of the Year. I love coming to PhysicallyFit. I love the results I’ve gotten and I cherish the relationships that I’ve developed with the people I see there! If I’m named Bootcamper of the Year, how could it get any better?
1. How long have you been coming to PhysicallyFit?
I joined PF April 2009.
2. What were your goals when you started?
My goals have changed through out my time with PF. When I started my goal was to simply not go an entire week without a workout. Than Courtney encouraged me to train for my first marathon in March 2010, so finishing a marathon became my goal. Now my goal is to finish a 70.3 Iron man with Courtney.
3. What results have you seen in yourself? What have others seen?
I am not sure what others have seen, however I have noticed a slight weight loss since I started PF. I have also noticed a drastic increase in my endurance and my strength. The most import result that I have noticed is the overall way I feel, which is the best I have ever felt in my life.
4. What is your biggest motivator?
My biggest motivator is Courtney Lane. I know it sounds cheesy, but its true. She motivates me to be a stronger and better man. The second largest motivator is my health. Heart disease is in my family and staying healthy and working the heart the way we do in PF builds confidence for a long healthy life.
5. What other accomplishments have you achieved outside of bootcamp this year (2011)? (i.e., Outside exercise habits or activities, nutrition habits, races, etc. )
2011 was a great year for me.
I ran the following races:
1. Danbury, CT 13.1 Half Marathon in March 2011
2. Burlington, VT 26.2 Full Marathon May 29th 2011.
3. Salem, MA 13.1 Half Marathon September 2011
4. Newport, RI 13.1 Half Marathon October 2011
5. Englishtown, NJ 12 mile Tough Mudder Event November 12th 2011
In addition to the above races, I play 1st base and hit 4th in a very competitive wooden bat hardball baseball league called the GHIBL,
The league is every Sunday from April to October. The Chiefs, my company sponsored team, finished in 5th.
6. What does being nominated for Bootcamper of the Year mean to you?
I take a lot of pride in everything I do. I try to lead by example and always give 100%. I take all BC classes seriously and have certainly enjoyed my personal growth and the friendships I have made at BC along the way. I am honored to be recognized with the nomination of Bootcamper of the Year 2011.
1. How long have you been coming to PhysicallyFit?
I’ve been coming to PhysicallyFit for a little over a year. I started in November of 2010.
2. What were your goals when you started?
I honestly didn’t have any goals when I started. A friend invited me to try a workout. After a week of saying no, I finally agreed to try it out. I had been an athlete through college and participated in rigorous workouts before, but for some reason I was threatened by the word bootcamp. When I agreed, I had no idea what I was getting myself into; I didn’t think I could do “bootcamp”. I certainly didn’t envision going back for a second workout, signing up, or still being there a year later. I will always be thankful to my friend for introducing me to something that has changed my life.
3. What results have you seen in yourself? What have others seen? PhysicallyFit and bootcamp have changed my life. I have seen both physical and mental changes in myself. My body has completely changed; my percentage of body fat has decreased about 5%, my muscles have become more defined, I have become physically and mentally stronger and I have gained self-confidence. I try to push myself each time I complete a workout even when I’m tired and want to quit. Before joining PhysicallyFit, I didn’t have faith in myself that I could accomplish some of the things that I have accomplished over the past year. I know other people have seen these changes in me too because I have received encouragement and support from fellow bootcampers. In addition to these changes I have experienced within myself, I have also met some wonderful people at PhysicallyFit and I’m very grateful and honored to call some of them my friends.
4. What is your biggest motivator?
My biggest motivator is seeing the benefits that exercise has on my health, confidence and fitness; and knowing that after doing things I never thought I would do, I can accomplish anything I put my heart and mind into.
5. What other accomplishments have you achieved outside of bootcamp this year? (i.e., Outside exercise habits or activities, nutrition habits, races, etc. )
Because of bootcamp I completed my first 5K (and now try to race regularly), 2 Tough Mudder races (and I’m signed up for my third), ran the Newport Half Marathon in October and was bootcamper of the Month in April. I remember congratulating the first Tough Mudder NJ team and telling them how I admire what they had done because I would have never been able to do that. I also started running outside of bootcamp not only for exercise, but because it is invigorating and gratifying; I wouldn’t have been caught dead saying that before joining bootcamp! I have also sought help with my eating habits and diet in order to help support my new life style.
6. What does being nominated for Bootcamper of the Year mean to you?
I was shocked when I received this nomination, but I am very grateful that my hard work has not gone unnoticed. There are many people at PhysicallyFit who have inspired and motivated me over the past year. The nomination alone is very rewarding and will only push me to work harder!
2. Jeff Davis
1. How long have you been coming to PhysicallyFit?
2 ½ years. Since July 2009.
2. What were your goals when you started?
My goal was to find a group training environment that would continually challenge and motivate me to become stronger, faster and leaner. Pushing myself to new levels is great, but equally important is not to lose ground as I age by maintaining a healthy weight, flexibility, strength, and agility.
3. What results have you seen in yourself? What have others seen?
I feel great! I can honestly say I’m in the best shape of my life. I was never an athlete as a child, but I feel like it now. Although appearance is a secondary goal, it is always great to have clothes fit better, and to have your friends and family recognize you as being in great condition.
4. What is your biggest motivator?
I am inspired by Chris, Jodi, my great fellow bootcampers, and sometimes by fear. When training up for an event like Tough Mudder, I am motivated by a healthy dose of fear of the unknown, and of the challenges ahead of me.
5. What other accomplishments have you achieved outside of bootcamp this year? (i.e., Outside exercise habits or activities, nutrition habits, races, etc. )
Outside of bootcamps, I regularly run and lift weights as a complement to the bootcamp training. I completed my second Tough Mudder in November with the awesome PhysicallyFit team, and ran in the Sprint for Monroe back in April.
6. What does being nominated for Bootcamper of the Year mean to you?
It’s a great feeling to be recognized as a dedicated bootcamper! I look forward to bootcamps as much for the camaraderie as the workout itself. It’s great to be a part of such a motivated bunch of people that are all working to improve their health and fitness.
1. Shannon Sampar
1. How long have you been coming to PhysicallyFit? 3 ½ Years, I think.
2. What were your goals when you started?
• I was in need of a different type of workout, Curves wasn’t cutting it ☺, nor was the gym
• Needed motivation to workout
• Wanted to see a change physically, tone up, the whole 9 yards
• Once engaged, wanted to be in shape for my wedding
3. What results have you seen in yourself? What have others seen?
• WAY More than any of the above goals mentioned
• I never knew exactly what my body truly was capable of both physically and mentally. There are some days where I still think I have a lot more to push towards. I always want to do better.
• Getting in shape for my wedding quickly became a goal of the past
• The results I have found, with Physically Fit, are far more important than getting in shape for one event in my life. The results have been and continue to be, totally life changing.
• Specific results:
Healthy Eating for Life Choices: Bootcamp makes me want to eat healthy. Sounds crazy, but its true. If I eat crap, it sucks working out and there is nothing more I hate than having a shitty workout. The whole point is to push yourself and reap the rewards when you’ve completed a kick ass workout. Making healthy choices is a very natural choice now(wasn’t so much prior to Bootcamp). Don’t get me wrong, I still indulge, but I feel I’m smart about it. Bootcamp has helped me to think and act in such a way. I like the way I feel when I eat healthy and workout. Period.
Stamina/Endurance to run a number of 5k’s, 2 5 mile races, a 10K, the ffld ½ marathon, Tough Mudder VT. I look back and remember when I never thought I’d be able to do any of that. But I did and it was freakin awesome.
Mental Stability: Some people find shopping to be therapeutic, others a box of Godiva chocolates, and some- their therapist. For me it’s Bootcamp. It’s the point of pushing yourself when you really don’t think you have anything left, but you do. And when you’re done it feels amazing. This mentality has spilled over in my day to day life. I see it in decisions I make at my job, or helping friends and family members overcome hardships in their own lives. I myself have had some pretty difficult things to deal with over the past couple of years and Bootcamp was my outlet. It’s where I come and find myself surrounded by positive people who yearn for the same addiction I do. This positivity helps me to lead a more positive life. It helps to be thankful for what I am capable of and for the life I have.
Physically: I leave this for last. It’s interesting how it used to be at the top of my list. It’s still pretty high up there. However, I have learned that without the above, being the best I want to be is unattainable. I need to make healthy eating choices if I want to get the best out of my workouts and build the stamina/endurance I need to improve. With that being said, I need a strong mentality to keep my endurance going. I have to want it, and my mentality has helped me with that. From all of this put together, I feel great. At this point there’s no need for a scale because I know I worked my ass off and that’s the best I can do.
4. What is your biggest motivator?
My biggest motivator is the positivity that surrounds me at Bootcamp. Chris and Jodi, and now Steph, are amazing instructors. They are so helpful and are constantly pushing us to do more. I freakin love it. I also watch other clients overcome their challenges and improve every day, it’s great. I feel proud of them. Pride. It makes me want to strive to be better too. From this everything else comes into play. The hunger to throw a ball harder into the ground, to run faster, or to do 2 more reps when I don’t think I possibly can.
5. What other accomplishments have you achieved outside of bootcamp this year? (i.e., Outside exercise habits or activities, nutrition habits, races, etc. )
See above Number 3. Kinda got carried away with that one ☺
6. What does being nominated for Bootcamper of the Year mean to you?
Oh my Gosh! is what I really thought when I first got the email. Floored. I feel truly honored and grateful. I also feel that without the physically fit community, there is no way I’d be where I am today. So cheesy, but so true.
My friends and family who have never come to Physically Fit think I’m crazy “Are you still doing that bootcamp stuff?”. “Hell Yea” is my answer.
P.S.-Thank you Tracie Reda for inviting me to that class on the River Walk that day. It’s made a world of difference in this gal’s life.
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