Friday, December 30, 2011


1. Shannon Sampar

1. How long have you been coming to PhysicallyFit? 3 ½ Years, I think.

2. What were your goals when you started?
• I was in need of a different type of workout, Curves wasn’t cutting it ☺, nor was the gym
• Needed motivation to workout
• Wanted to see a change physically, tone up, the whole 9 yards
• Once engaged, wanted to be in shape for my wedding

3. What results have you seen in yourself? What have others seen?
• WAY More than any of the above goals mentioned
• I never knew exactly what my body truly was capable of both physically and mentally. There are some days where I still think I have a lot more to push towards. I always want to do better.
• Getting in shape for my wedding quickly became a goal of the past
• The results I have found, with Physically Fit, are far more important than getting in shape for one event in my life. The results have been and continue to be, totally life changing.
• Specific results:
Healthy Eating for Life Choices: Bootcamp makes me want to eat healthy. Sounds crazy, but its true. If I eat crap, it sucks working out and there is nothing more I hate than having a shitty workout. The whole point is to push yourself and reap the rewards when you’ve completed a kick ass workout. Making healthy choices is a very natural choice now(wasn’t so much prior to Bootcamp). Don’t get me wrong, I still indulge, but I feel I’m smart about it. Bootcamp has helped me to think and act in such a way. I like the way I feel when I eat healthy and workout. Period.
Stamina/Endurance to run a number of 5k’s, 2 5 mile races, a 10K, the ffld ½ marathon, Tough Mudder VT. I look back and remember when I never thought I’d be able to do any of that. But I did and it was freakin awesome.
Mental Stability: Some people find shopping to be therapeutic, others a box of Godiva chocolates, and some- their therapist. For me it’s Bootcamp. It’s the point of pushing yourself when you really don’t think you have anything left, but you do. And when you’re done it feels amazing. This mentality has spilled over in my day to day life. I see it in decisions I make at my job, or helping friends and family members overcome hardships in their own lives. I myself have had some pretty difficult things to deal with over the past couple of years and Bootcamp was my outlet. It’s where I come and find myself surrounded by positive people who yearn for the same addiction I do. This positivity helps me to lead a more positive life. It helps to be thankful for what I am capable of and for the life I have.
Physically: I leave this for last. It’s interesting how it used to be at the top of my list. It’s still pretty high up there. However, I have learned that without the above, being the best I want to be is unattainable. I need to make healthy eating choices if I want to get the best out of my workouts and build the stamina/endurance I need to improve. With that being said, I need a strong mentality to keep my endurance going. I have to want it, and my mentality has helped me with that. From all of this put together, I feel great. At this point there’s no need for a scale because I know I worked my ass off and that’s the best I can do.

4. What is your biggest motivator?
My biggest motivator is the positivity that surrounds me at Bootcamp. Chris and Jodi, and now Steph, are amazing instructors. They are so helpful and are constantly pushing us to do more. I freakin love it. I also watch other clients overcome their challenges and improve every day, it’s great. I feel proud of them. Pride. It makes me want to strive to be better too. From this everything else comes into play. The hunger to throw a ball harder into the ground, to run faster, or to do 2 more reps when I don’t think I possibly can.

5. What other accomplishments have you achieved outside of bootcamp this year? (i.e., Outside exercise habits or activities, nutrition habits, races, etc. )
See above Number 3. Kinda got carried away with that one ☺

6. What does being nominated for Bootcamper of the Year mean to you?
Oh my Gosh! is what I really thought when I first got the email. Floored. I feel truly honored and grateful. I also feel that without the physically fit community, there is no way I’d be where I am today. So cheesy, but so true.

My friends and family who have never come to Physically Fit think I’m crazy “Are you still doing that bootcamp stuff?”. “Hell Yea” is my answer.

P.S.-Thank you Tracie Reda for inviting me to that class on the River Walk that day. It’s made a world of difference in this gal’s life.

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