Friday, December 30, 2011



1. How long have you been coming to PhysicallyFit?
Since March. I was hooked after the first week – despite the burpees and the pain I was in!

2. What were your goals when you started?
Loose some weight, get back in shape, not to kill myself during burpees (burpees suck!!)

3. What results have you seen in yourself? What have others seen?
I've lost over 2 pant sizes, I feel better than ever. For me bc is a great way to relieve the stress.

4. What is your biggest motivator?
Now it's getting ready for TM and finishing it without breaking anything (and getting the tshirt!), being able to eat and drink what I want, but the biggest one is Marry – she inspires me:) she is my partner in crime I mean workouts.

5. What other accomplishments have you achieved outside of bootcamp this year? (i.e., Outside exercise habits or activities, nutrition habits, races, etc. )
Hopefully I won't die during 5k on the New Year's Day.

6. What does being nominated for Bootcamper of the Year mean to you?
It is a tremendous honor simply to be mentioned alongside the other individuals. I was very surprised and didn’t expect it at all. Does it mean I will stop hating burpess? Of course not! Burpees Suck!


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